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This is a cheap and easy way to infuse your sex life with a little more adventure. Fun cards with position and game guides to help things sizzle! There are 4 decks to choose from:
Deal this naughty Adventurous deck and rake in a sheet-scorching night of sexual adventure! Each card illustrates an exciting sex position. Play a game and you'll come out with a fully-developed five-position fantasy for you both to reenact together! Includes 50 sexual position cards + 3 game guide cards that'll teach you to play Ultimate Fantasy, Lover's Libido, and Fortune Teller! The Sex! Card Game deck is organized into five different colors according to hotness: red (foreplay), orange, yellow, white, and light blue (scorching hot!). Play one of the included games - the winner gets the fantasy they've created! This game is great for anyone wanting to add some variety to his or her positions, or to become a little more effortlessly adventurous in bed. It's also a great way to open up and get your partner to open up about their preferences and fantasies!
A Year of Positions! offers you over 50 different Kama Sutra positions. Use the cards as positional references or play one of the three SEX! games to build your fantasy. Each A Year of SEX! card offers a sex position illustration, technique instructions, and a challenge rating of 1-5, with 5 being the most intensely orgasmic. Includes new artwork to the packaging AND sex position cards.
Each Lesbian Sex! card game explicitly illustrates either a foreplay activity or a sexual position. While playing one of the three Lesbian Sex! card games, you and your lover use the cards to plan out one of the 100,000 possible fantasies. After building a fantasy, you both act it out. Game includes: 45 Sexual Position Cards, 5 Group Sex Cards, 3 Rule Cards, and 1 Unleash Your Fantasy Card. In English and Spanish.
Each Gay Sex! card explicitly illustrates a foreplay activity or a sexual position! While playing one of the three Gay Sex! games, you and your lover use the cards to plan one of the 100,000 possible fantasies. After building a fantasy, you both act it out. Gay Sex! can be played three ways. Let fate decide your fantasy with Fortune Teller, build your adventure while learning about your lover's likes, loves, and lusts with Lover's Libido, or add a third or fourth player with Ultimate Fantasy. Three ways to play, 100,000 ways to win! In English and Spanish.
Each SEXO! card explicitly illustrates either a foreplay activity or a sexual position, and the color represents the intensity of the position. Each deck includes: 50 Sex Position Cards, 3 Rule Cards and 1 Unleash Your Fantasy Card.