Sex From Scratch

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Modern life calls for modern relationship advice. Sex From Scratch is a love and dating guidebook that gleans real-life knowledge from smart people in a variety of nontraditional relationships.

Instead of telling people how to snag a man, seduce a woman, or find “true love,” the book sums up what dozens of diverse folks have learned the hard way over time. Sarah Mirk offers tips and stories from the steadfastly single to people making open relationships work, from people who’ve decided they’re never going to have kids to parents who are consciously producing the next generation. No matter what type of relationship you're in or what type you want, Mirk's reportedly wisdom and sense of humor provides perspective, humor, and down to earth guidance.

This is an essential, fun, insightful resource whose time has come. The 2nd edition contains a ton of new interviews and updates.  

Featured interviews include Betty Dodson, Michelle Tea, Aya de Leon, Tomas Moniz, Margaret Jacobsen, Ev'Yan Whitney, and more.

By Sarah Mirk

| JD 23-07-2019 21:31

Reading this book is like having a warm, fireside chat with your close friends about their best relationship advice. The author is clear about the fact that she's not an expert, just a curious person who gathered a lot of great insight from other folks! The chapters deal with more focused topics such as dating while feminist, navigating non-monogamy, remaining childless or unmarried, and braving break-ups.

I highly recommend this book for folks who want to do their modern love lives in an intentional, and perhaps unconventional, manner!

5 stars based on 1 reviews