Using a Vibrator

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Yay! You got your first vibrator... now what???

First, spend a little time getting to know your vibrator. Try it out on different parts of your body (belly, thighs, etc…) and if it has different speed settings, experiment with them. Maybe try your vibe while you are reading a sexy story, watching a hot movie or talking dirty on the phone.


When you are comfortable with your toy, try in on your genitals. Move it slowly around your clitoris and your labia. If it is an insertable kind, see how it feels inside your vagina. Next try the vibe directly on and around your clit. Feels pretty good, eh? If you don’t orgasm the first time you use your vibrator, don’t give up. Some people find it takes a little getting used to the new type of sensation.


If you plan on using your vibrator with a partner (vibrators make a great addition to partnered sex), we recommend trying it alone first to get the feel for it. Using a vibrator around your anus can be a whole lot of fun, but remember to not put it back onto your labia or in your vagina after it has been there. Also, never insert a vibrator into your anus unless it has a wide, flanged base. Yes, it can actually get stuck.


For all sex toys we suggest you use lube! Sex toys don’t produce any lubrication, so you’ll find that adding lube makes the whole experience a lot more fun.